We think globally.

We produce locally.

And we’re powered

by plants.

Good beginnings.

All Arda materials start somewhere good. Whether it’s tapping into underutilized waste steams or using plants that are great for biodiversity and soil health. Arda Biomaterials is committed to using planet-positive ingredients in our materials. 

No animals. No plastics. No toxic chemicals.

Thinking globally, producing locally.

Here at Arda, we believe in empowering local supply chains but by using feedstocks that can be found globally. We are determined that our future production remains local, enabling us to build more resilient supply chains that are not faced with the same political, social, and environmental risks as with off-shore production.

This production process can be implemented into local markets across the world, making use of raw materials and infrastructure that is already in place.

Leave no negative trace.

When creating a new material, we need to consider its whole life cycle. This includes what happens to it when it is finished being used. At Arda, we are committed to continually monitoring and learning about our materials to ensure that our developments have no negative impact on the planet or its people.

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